Basic web directory permissions for Apache on Linux

Here’s where I’m currently at re: file permissions for web directories on Linux, based on having commissioned a few VPS accounts and ripping off this Serverfault post. As root/superuser, all together now:

# Create new user (implicitly creates new web-admin group, too)
# This is the user who'll SFTP files to the server
useradd web-admin

# Allow web-admin to become spueruser... maybe they're the only account that can SSH in from remote?
adduser web-admin sudo

# Add password
passwd web-admin
mkdir /home/web-admin

# Hop over to where your web files are stored
cd /var/www

# Set your website directory's OWNER to your new user
chown -R web-admin mysite-directory

# Set your website directory's owning GROUP to www-data (so Apache can access it)
# Use ps command to find out what group Apache runs as...
# Use /etc/apache2/apache2.conf to define it.
ps aux | grep apache    # or maybe .... grep httpd?
chgrp -R www-data mysite-directory

# Set permissions of all files/folders to owner -> all, group ->read-only, anon -> NONE
chmod -R 750 mysite-directory

# Make files/directories within mysite-directory inherit the DIRECTORY'S 
# permissions - not those of the user who creates the files.
# This means user web-admin can upload, and group www-data can read
chmod -R g+s mysite-directory

# Enable group write on file upload directories
chmod -R g+w mysite-directory/application/file-uploads

# Use system-level umask to lock down default permissions of created files:
umask 027

Whoever wrote the Serverfault post I ripped this off of, is super-cool.

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